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Meet The Good Human
 Behind Good Human
Hi, I’m Jen
I’m an dog trainer, and NC native living in Winston-Salem with my wife and our daughter, two dogs: Moonie, my 80-pound sweet beast; Beans, our whirlwind Chihuahua; and two cats: Amos and Jimothy.
I love dogs. Obviously. My dogs, your dogs, dogs I’ve never met. I love a good pun (and a bad pun), reading, crafting, drinking tea, beekeeping, edgy cross-stitching, growing things, spending time with my family, and training my own dogs to do the most ridiculous tricks we can come up with. I love people. Especially people who love dogs.
And puns.
Oh, yeah. I also happen to be a passionate dog trainer who has spent the last 20+ years learning everything I can about dogs and their behavior. That makes me a pretty danged good dog trainer.
That’s Great and All But…
Why Good Human?

At Good Human Dog Training, I believe that every dog deserves a loving home and a well-educated human companion. That’s where I come in. With my extensive knowledge, experience, and unwavering commitment to humane, effective training methods, I’m the trainer you want by your side on your journey to a better relationship with your dog.

My philosophy is simple: dog training is a collaborative effort between the dog and the human. I understand that a training plan must be practical and tailored to your unique situation to be truly effective. Whether you’re struggling with behavioral issues or looking to train your own service dog, I will work with you to develop a customized approach that fits your lifestyle and goals.

As a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), and Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP), I have the academic credentials to back up my expertise. But it’s my years of hands-on experience working with dogs and their humans that truly set me apart. From running a successful pet sitting and dog walking business to volunteering at local shelters and training service dogs, I’ve seen it all and know how to help you navigate even the most challenging situations.

When you choose Good Human Dog Training, you’re not just getting a trainer – you’re getting a partner who is invested in your success. My goal is to give you the skills and confidence to train not just the dog you have now, but every dog that ever shares your heart and home. I’m committed to staying up-to-date on the latest research and techniques in dog behavior and training, so you can trust that you’re getting the most effective, humane guidance available.

If you’re ready to create a better life for you and your dog, look no further than Good Human Dog Training. With my knowledge, experience, and dedication to your success, you’ll be well on your way to a stronger bond and a happier home.


Cont Education

But Why Do I Do This?

How did I get here?
It was a dog.
A stray puppy wandered into my life in the spring of 2004. He was my Chicken Little, afraid of shadows and anything new in his world. Biscuit was my first teacher and remains my best. I never imagined the ways that a Durham Brown Dog would change my life and set it on a whole new course. Dogs will do that, huh? Anyway, it was goodbye to my office job and hello to muddy jeans and treat-filled pockets!
I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing.