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6 Powerful Benefits of Virtual Behavior Consulting

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6 Powerful Benefits of Virtual Behavior Consulting for Your Dog

Let me start by saying that I love to connect with people and their dogs. It’s why I do what I do! I’ve found it possible to achieve strong connections with my client friends through virtual sessions.

There are so many benefits to virtual behavior consulting and dog training that it’s become common for some dog professionals to ONLY offer virtual consulting and training.

1. Virtual = Accessible

These virtual appointments are a great option for dog owners who want to work with a certified behavior consultant and trainer but don’t live in my service area. This can be especially beneficial for those with mobility limitations. Regardless of where you live, I can help you!

2. It’s Simple

All you need is a computer, iPad or cell phone! I use Zoom and it’s straightforward to use. You don’t need an account, and you won’t need to download anything to access our appointment.

3. Online Virtual Consultations are Versatile!

  • Aggressive behavior to people, children, other dogs, protective and territorial issues and more!
  • Fear, Anxiety & Phobias. Stranger Danger dogs are our specialty.
  • Conflict between dogs in the home and resource guarding
  • Prep for bringing a new baby or child into the home
  • Consulting on difficult situations and potential outcomes
  • Cooperative Care such as teaching your dog to accept body handling, grooming and muzzle training.
  • Puppy stuff such as potty training, crate training, socialization, training skills, management strategies, & more!
  • Basic manners such as sit, down, focus, come, stay, drop it, leave it and more.

4. Less Stress

Is your dog unable to tolerate anyone in their home? Virtual consultations can be especially beneficial for dogs with fears, phobias, anxiety, reactivity, and aggression. I can observe your dog’s behavior in their natural environment and provide customized training and coaching without causing your dog the stress of having a stranger in their home.

Don’t you need to see my dog’s behavior in person?

It is commonly thought that a behavior consultant must observe the dog engaging in unwanted behavior to effectively change it. But, that isn’t the case! Often the behaviors are based in fear and anxiety and we do not want to trigger your dog to growl or bite or lunge.

5. Your Future Self Will Thank You

I can show you the training skills with my assistant dog and coach you to try these new moves out for yourself. Virtual consulting allows us to record our sessions so that you may review the instruction of these techniques when you’re ready to work.

6. Cost-effective Behavior Change

We are able to offer virtual consultations at a lower rate as they eliminate travel time and allow more flexible scheduling. Our virtual consultations are slightly shorter than in person appointments as they tend to be a more efficient use of time.

It’s a Pajama Party!

Train your dog from the comfort of your home without any distractions- where you both learn best. Pajamas are completely appropriate attire for virtual consulting. I may be in my pajamas too! But let’s agree to wear pants, mkay?

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